
Uuring: tervisetehnoloogiate võidukäiguks on vaja lahendada hulk takistusi

Tartu Ülikooli ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli uuringu kohaselt on Eestil head väljavaated teadusmahuka ettevõtluse arendamiseks tervishoiuvaldkonnas, kuid seda takistavad vähene koostöö haiglate ja arstidega teaduslikel avastustel põhinevate teenuste ja toodete loomisel ning patsiendini viimisel, Eesti ravikindlustuse süsteemist tingitud keerukus maksva kliendini jõudmisel ja ärimudeli testimisel ning patentide vähesus. Kogu maailmas seisavad tervishoiusüsteemid silmitsi suurte muutustega, mida […]

IMPROVE presents the project’s results after 4 years of cooperation for the improvement of R&D policies

The IMPROVE project presented the results of their work with partners from Spain, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Finland and Portugal to improve the management and implementation of Structural Funds and ensure more efficient execution of R&D&I policies, with special attention to Smart Specialization Strategies. Representatives of the eight countries of the ‘IMPROVE’ consortium, stakeholders, […]

Application has started for the 10-month scaleup development programme for companies developing smart city solutions!

The highly anticipated Scaleup Launchpad programme is open for applications. Don’t miss the chance to apply to the innovative cross-border programme designed to accelerate the growth of your business. Through a series of in-person cross-border workshops, online trainings, 1-to-1 mentorship sessions with industry experts, and offline/online networking opportunities, gain the skills and knowledge needed to […]

Call for experts to help scale-up companies

Tartu Science Park, Business Tampere and Norrköping Science Park are looking for experts in the fields of finance, people/team, strategy and opening new markets.  The experts will be engaged in carrying out the international development programme for Estonian, Finnish and Swedish scale-up companies, who are developing smart city solutions. The development programme will include 1:1 […]

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