
S3-Empowering for Innovation and Growth in Medium-Sized Cities and Regions http://empinno.eu/

The overall objective of the project is: EmpInno fosters the implementation and improvement of regional smart specialisation strategies (RIS3) in medium sized cities and regions in the Baltic Sea Region.

Therefore, the three sub-objectives are:
To provide innovation intermediaries with the needed resources (experiences and competences) to work with the novel RIS3 approach within their organisations and apply this to their work with the end-users SMEs and further innovation actors.
To evaluate and improve the implementation of the regional smart specialisation strategies by developing and providing feedback for the responsible regional authorities and by improving monitoring systems and the organisational set-up of delivery instruments.
To boost cooperation between innovation actors and SMEs as well as transnationally between SMEs and e.g. cluster managements, thus leveraging their innovativeness and competitiveness.

Project partners

Lead Partner: Rostock Business and Technology Development GmbH (Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Technologieförderung Rostock mbH), Germany.

Project Partners: Denmark (2), Estonia (2), Finland (3), Germany (1), Latvia (1), Lithuania (1), Poland (3), Sweden (2).

Programme: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020, Priority 1: “Capacity for innovation”, Specific Objective 1.2: “To enhance growth opportunities based on increased capacity of innovation actors to apply smart specialisation approach”.

Project number: #R028

Project implementation period: May 2016 – April 2019

Total project budget: 2 972 711.42 EUR (including 85% ERDF co-financing)

Programme home page: https://www.interreg-baltic.eu/home.html

Contact person: Ingrid Hunt, Tartu Science Park, ingrid.hunt@teaduspark.ee

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