The overall objective of the project:

So far considerable budgets have been invested across EU for SMEs support measures, however, their impact on the economy of EU territories could be improved. Therefore, the aim of ESSPO project is to address the issue of efficiency of SME support policies and develop comprehensive support portfolios designed as policy mixes, which would identify and establish synergies between different services and smartly target relevant segments of SME population.

The specific objectives of the project:

The project takes a long-term approach to contribute to the creation of effective and efficient SME support service portfolios, which are capable to impact the regional economies via increasing SME’s competitiveness, especially focusing on their growth on national and international markets as well as on their improved engagement in innovation processes.

The main planned activities:

ESSPO partners design and delivery mechanisms to improve SME policy instruments in 8 different territories on a national, regional, sub-regional and local level.

Tools which are used to implement ESSPO processes involve interregional learning process engaging the stakeholders and project consortium, peer reviews and mapping exercises, finishing with a regional action plan of the policy improvement in each territory which is designed in continuous dialogue among partners and relevant stakeholders and accompanied with good practices.

Project partners: Project involves 8 partners from 6 countries

Project number: PGI00087

Project implementation period: Project is run from April 2016 until March 2021

Total project budget: 1 923 130, 00 EUR

Programme home page:

Contact person:

Vaido Mikheim
Project Manager
Mobile:+372 5309 5906

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