HIADEX  – Marketing intelligence and early stage promotion activities for the HIgh ADded value products EXport

The main objective of the project is to increase export capability of Estonian and Latvian producers.

Project aims to support producers of high added value products for prevention and treatment of digestive system diseases (DSDs) by building marketing intelligence on the Singaporean and Malaysia’s market via implementing early-stage promotion activities there.

The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • Visit two industry-specific fairs in Singapore and Malaysia (one in each market) with joint trade missions of Estonia-Latvia region entrepreneurs;
  • Develop and produce promotional materials both printed and audio-visual for above mentioned trade missions;
  • Obtain market intelligence about Singaporean and Malaysian markets in segments of food supplements and pharmaceutical products;
  • Analyze methods of best possible market entry strategy to chosen target markets;
  • Run workshops among and for producers to share obtained knowledge and information;

The main activities of the project:

  • Building marketing intelligence on the Malaysia’s and Singapore’s markets, i.e., analysing market, developing market entry strategy;
  • Development of a joint product portfolio for export to Malaysia and Singapore and marketing (promotion) materials;
  • Early-stage promotion activities in Asia like fairs and B2B meetings to establish trade links and to promote selected products.

Project partners:


Project is supported by The Estonia-Latvia cross-border cooperation programme https://estlat.eu/en/.

Project number: Est-Lat11

Project implementation period: from May 1st 2017 – October 31st 2018

Total project budget: 346 010 EUR (including 85% ERDF co-financing in amount of EUR 294 108,50)

Contact person: Vaido Mikheim, Tartu Science Park, vaido.mikheim@teaduspark.ee

This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.

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