
What is Science Park?

A science/technology park is defined as a real estate-based initiative:

  • which has close ties with universities, research centers and other higher education and research institutions;
  • which are implemented to support the creation and growth of knowledge-intensive or value-added enterprises;
  • the purpose of which is to promote technology transfer, i.e. the application of scientific results in business.

Science parks became more widespread in the world in the 1980s. The concept of a science park includes a collection of (high) technological companies that are spatially connected, located on or near the university campus. The know-how spread and distributed in the collection is the impetus for growth and creates added value. In the world, for example, Nokia, HP have grown out of research parks – to name just a few well-known companies. At the same time, for example, in the Cambridge Science Park, a large number of small companies have emerged on the basis of the brain potential of the university, which are the engine of economic growth there.


2023 in numbers

The goal of the Tartu Science Park is to support the creation, development and operation of technology-intensive companies. More than 70 companies operate on the 12,000 square meters of office and laboratory space in the science park, to which we also offer business development services.

38500Webpage visigts
12000m2Rental Space

Tartu Teaduspargist

Tartu Teaduspark (TTP) on asutatud 1992. aastal esimese omalaadse organisatsioonina Balti riikides.
1996.a. muudeti omandivormi ning Tartu linn ja maakond, Tartu Ülikool, Eesti Maaülikool ja TÜ Füüsika Instituut asutasid Sihtasutuse Tartu Teaduspark, mis tegutseb tänase päevani. TTP kui innovatsiooni tugistruktuuri tegevuse eesmärgiks on teadus- ja tehnoloogiamahukate ettevõtete tekke, arendamise ning tegevuse toetamine, pakkudes infrastruktuuri- ja äriarendusteenust Tartu regioonis.

TTP visiooniks on, et aastal 2023 on Tartu Teaduspark:

Teadus- ja tehnoloogiamahukate firmade rahvusvaheline kasvukeskus ning regiooni innovatsioonisüsteemi arengumootor.

Nimetatud visiooni saavutamiseks on TTP püstitanud kuus strateegilist eesmärki

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