8 years of ESA BIC Estonia

ESA BIC Estonia was launched on November 7, 2017 at a time when Estonia held the presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Space Week took place in Tallinn. How did we get here? To answer that, we need to go back in time. Estonia became an associate member of the […]
Right Step OÜ flies in Zero G to seek answers to Bone Health

Right Step OÜ is thrilled to announce its recent participation in the 85th ESA Parabolic Flight Campaign and is proud to be the first Estonian company to have had this esteemed opportunity with support from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Estonian ESA Business Incubator. Right Step Health was founded to address degenerative bone […]
Sven Lilla: Who wouldn’t love space?

As the manager of the European Space Agency Estonian Business Incubator (ESA BIC Estonia), I have always been in the midst of the most recent and exciting ideas. When I joined the ESA BIC Estonia team in 2017, I didn’t know much about the whole space domain. My previous experience was mainly limited to watching […]
Tallinn Airport exploring new tech at Sparkup Tartu Science Park

On Tuesday we welcomed a delegation from Tallinn Airport “Several deep technology companies operating at Sparkup Tartu Science Park could have a revolutionary impact on aviation. For example, innovative hydrogen fuels can make flights more environmentally friendly, or unmanned aerial vehicles can enhance flight safety,” said Pirko Konsa, a Sparkup Tartu Science Park board member. […]
ESA BIC Estonia incubatee Right Step selected as the first Estonian company to fly in the Parabolic Flight Campaign

Right Step is the 1st Estonian company to be selected for the SciSpace CORA Parabolic Flight programme and will fly the 85th Campaign in November 2024 facilitated by the European Space Agency (ESA). The last Estonian company to fly was Myoton (https://www.myoton.com) who participated in the 55th campaign and subsequently went on to send its device to […]