BSG Go!: Scaling-up Baltic Sea Game support for a resilient game industry

The project implementation is supported by: INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme

Project duration: January 2023 – December 2025

Project website:

The aim and activities of the project: Tartu Science Park’s activities in supporting game development began in 2017 and continue with the support of the BSG Go! project. The plan is to continue working with startup companies, mentors, and investors in the game development field, bring together communities from different countries around the Baltic Sea region’s gaming industry, and strengthen cooperation for the launch of new, internationally successful games. Various activities will be tested during the project to contribute to these goals.

Project partners: Partners represent 13 different organizations from countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. The lead partner is BGZ from Germany. Among the partners are universities, incubators, accelerators, various public and private sector cluster and community organizations, whose main focus is supporting the development of the gaming industry.

Henri Hanson

Henri Hanson
Senior Project Manager 
Phone: +37253097706