Enterprise Europe Network

 Enterprise Europe Network

Dates: January 1st 2022 – June 30th 2025

Enterprise Europe Network is the biggest European Union co-financed information network, which offers enterprises and R&D institutions following services:

  • partner search in Estonia and Europe;
  • councelling in product development and market search;
  • introducing support measures of EU;
  • advice in intellectual property, standards and EU legislation related questions;
  • mediating communication between EU authorities and companies.

Main tools of the Network are the open databases of:
technology and business co-operation
international B2B brokerage events

The network connects over 600 organisations supporting enterpreneurship in more than 50 countries. It offers enterprises “one-stop-shop”-services, i.e. helping to find partners in a specific technological development, help in expansion to foreign markets, information about European subsidies etc.

From Estonia following partners are involved in the network: Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tallinn Technology Park – TehnopolTartu Science ParkInvent Baltics OÜB.I.A OÜ (Baltic Innovation Agency) and Estonian Business and Innovation Agency.

Network website in Estonia: http://www.enterprise-europe.ee

Information about the network and services:

Henri Hanson
Project Manager
Tartu Science Park
E-mail: henri.hanson@sciencepark.ee
Phone: +372 5309 7706

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