Up2Circ – Boosting the uptake of circular business model, product and process innovation

The overall objective of the project: Up2Circ has the overall objective to accelerate and scale the transition of European SMEs towards the circular economy.

The main planned activities: Up2Circ project will demonstrate a replicable pathway to motivate and effectively support SMEs to innovate and transform towards sustainable growth and will address the need of EU innovation support ecosystems to better join forces and make best use of synergies in order to enable a quick and comprehensive transition of Europe’s SMEs towards a circular economy on a large scale.

Up2Circ will develop and implement attractive and efficient SME support measures that are highly accessible, straightforward and tailored to the company’s specific needs, involve unbureaucratic funding opportunities that clearly reward sustainability aspects, provide easy and clear access to comprehensive practical knowledge and expert advice and point out how transition will benefit business on a relatively short-term horizon.

The project partners will prepare and provide a training program (Up2Circ Academy) to enhance knowledge and develop action plans for SMEs for sustainable innovation supported by Up2Circ Incentive Scheme for 92 SMEs chosen via open calls. The activities will be supported by Wake Up2Circ promotional activities.

Project partners:

  1. Tutech Innovation GmbH, Germany
  2. Tartu Science Park Foundation, Estonia
  3. JIC, Czech Republic
  4. Rising Sud, France
  5. Lublin Development Foundation, Poland
  6. Torino Chamber of Commerce, Italy
  7. Foundation FUNDECYT Science and Technology Park of Extremadura, Spain

Programme: Horizon Europe

Project implementation period: January 2023 – December 2026

Programme home page: https://up2circ.eu/

Contact person:
Henri Hanson
Project Manager
E-mail:  henri.hanson@teaduspark.ee

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