
Project name and brief description:

NovelBaltic The main activity of the NovelBaltic project is validating the export capability of local non-timber forest products (mainly forest berries) in the Asian market (primarily China). Objectives: Healthy food and natural cosmetics are the two focus areas of the NovelBaltic project. The project’s ultimate goal is to assess market demand for these products and services and create business opportunities in selected regions in China. Activities:

The project consortium focuses on two lines of activities within the aforementioned product segments:

  • Business development and networking in China, including business trips and visits to trade fairs in China;
  • Product development & product valorization through contributions to research and development activities;

Project partners:

The project involves partners from five countries: Finland, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. The network of partners participating in the project is thematically divided into two parts:

  • Research and development institutions: University of Oulu (lead partner), Centria Research and Development, Kaunas University of Technology Food Institute, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC), Finnish Forest Centre (Suomen metsäkeskus);
  • Business development organizations: Tartu Science Park and Aalto University

The program under which this is carried out: The project implementation is supported by the Interreg Baltic Sea Program.

Project number: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Project #R079 Project duration: The project duration is 30 months, from 01.01.2019 to 30.06.2021 Project budget: The total project budget is 1.9M EUR, of which 1.4M EUR is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 0.06M EUR is funded by the Norwegian government Project website: Read more on the lead partner’s website:
