Juba järgmine nädal toimub sTARTUp Day festival, kus meie tehisaru valdkonna juht Martin Rebane ja tehisaru arendaja Ida Maria Orula teevad ühiselt tehisaru teemalise seminari. Kogu üritus, sh seminarid, toimuvad inglise keeles!
Localization with AI: Speaking the Language of Your Customers
State-of-the-art AI language models excel in fluent English, but what happens when you need to connect with customers across diverse cultures?
Join us for a deep dive into the fascinating and complex world of AI-powered localization. Through real-world examples, we’ll explore how to create culturally appropriate, context-aware content for any audience.
Seminar toimub 31. jaanuaril kell 10:00-10:45 festivali ala seminari ruumis number 5.
Seminaril osalemiseks on tarvis osta sTARTUp Day pilet – https://www.startupday.ee/tickets