Business support programme “Export Express” finished with positive results

On 28 and 29 March B-Idea project partners held a closing event of the business support programme Export Express gathering SMEs from Estonia and Latvia which were admitted to the program in March 2018.

On the first day of the event guest speakers like Enno Ence from MILZU!, a cereal flakes manufacturing company, Gints Mednis from Sonarworks, the company behind digital calibration software, and Ričards Fomrats from PlayGineering Systems, a sports video analytics company, shared their experience in export development, expanding the business and building quality business relations. On the second day the participants took part in practical workshops, one of which was dedicated to finding new export contacts, and the other – to the basics of product photography where a professional photographer demonstrated what it takes to make high-quality photos.

The Export Express programme was implemented under the Interreg Estonia-Latvia cross-border project “Brave Idea Support Programme” (or B-Idea), No. Est-Lat 47. Participants of the programme were able to take part in 4 bootcamps with exciting lectures, master classes and individual mentoring sessions throughout the year, as well as 3 trade missions to Scandinavia, resulting in business development, new contacts and successful export deals.

In total 30 companies participated in the programme – 12 from Estonia and 18 from Latvia. 28 companies completed the training programme with positive results: wood products manufacturers Duck Woodworks, Snores, Gravtex, Wooch, Wesse, food and beverage manufacturers Lahhentagge, Trikātas piens, Andre Juustufarm, FIE Raivo Teder, Saaregurmee, Icegarden, Kainaiži, Siidrikoda, glass and ceramics manufacturers Stikla māja and Rebeka, jewelry manufacturer Luminée, biomedicine manufacturers BioCC and Alternative Plants, steel products manufacturers Gizzo and Daupro, IT-systems and service companies SunGis, Edurio, DronePlan, Overly, and Amber Systems, wind turbine manufacturer TUGE, food waste processing company Festera Bioboxes and portable micro-houses manufacturer APB.

The programme was implemented by export agency Gateway & Partners Ltd. and business support organizations: Ventspils High Technology Park, Valmiera Development Agency, Business and Development Centre of Pärnu Country and Tartu Science Park.

This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.