Hiina ekspordi seminar “Market Intelligence on China – Case Study on Nordic products”!

Tartu Teaduspark kutsub ettevõtjaid osalema kolmandal Aasia turgudest rääkivale vebinarile. Koostöös partneritega Interreg Baltic Sea Region projektist NovelBaltic on otsitus oma ala praktikud ja eksperdid jagama kogemusi. Üritus on inglise keeles ja vajalik on kindlasti eelnev registreerimine: https://forms.gle/oHGYRADWNeHj8R8k6
Järgneb ürituse tutvustus inglise keeles.
Nordic products are globally recognized as premium products – qualitative and reliable. And the Chinese market offers ample business opportunities.
Tartu Science Park invites You to be part of an interactive webinar, where Nordic entrepreneurs and experts from scientific fields will be looking forward to 2021 – how we see export to China taking shape.
The event is free of charge, but registering is mandatory. REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/oHGYRADWNeHj8R8k6
10:00 – 10:05 How NovelBaltic project can connect you with relevant contacts in China | Ms Hely Häggman, University of Oulu
10:05 – 10:20 Future priorities of BSR Programme in supporting companies | Mr Lukasz Korpal, BSR Programme Finance Unit
10:20 – 10:55 Establishing a Nordic business in China, case of BMH Technology Oy | Ms Janet He, BMH Technology Oy
10:55 – 11:20 Cooperation case between University of Latvia and System Innovations Ltd | Mr Linards Klavins, University of Latvia & Mr Kristaps Erglis, System Innovations Ltd
11:20 – 11:45 DNA-barcoding technology in authenticity analysis of products in China | Dr Zhang Bolin, Beijing Forestry University
11:45 – 11:55 Sneak peek into Market Intelligence Report on China | Mr Vaido Mikheim, Tartu Science Park & Ms Ilona Vanaga, Silv EXPO Ltd
11:55 – 12:00 Final Questions and goodbyes
Additional information: Vaido Mikheim, vaido@sciencepark.ee, +372 53095906
Registration is mandatory: https://forms.gle/oHGYRADWNeHj8R8k6
The event link will be sent to all registered participants on the 18th of January
The webinar is brought to you by Tartu Science Park and partners in the NovelBaltic project framework. It is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund via Interreg Baltic Sea Region.