Interreg 30 – we celebrate together!

All along 2020, we will celebrate 30 years of Interreg and cooperation in all its shapes. Interreg represents European Territorial Cooperation across borders at the regional and national levels for the benefits of the citizens. Launched in 1990, it has proven that borders are not barriers and have brought Europeans closer together by helping to tackle common challenges and creating new opportunities for cooperation across borders. Tartu Science Park has been part of different Interreg programs. Please read the statement to the press made by the Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira.

The focuses of the celebrations will be on three main topics:

1. We all have a neighbor

We all have neighbors – and they matter! In good and in bad times, we cooperate, we work together, we decide together. We face challenges together, we create new opportunities for a better future in a common space. No matter what, we stay together!

2. Youth

Interreg and cooperation policy has found many solutions for young people. How? Working together, building partnerships and sharing knowledge to improve the educational level, qualifications, skills, international competencies and job opportunities for all and to make “an economy that works for people”.

3. Green and climate neutral Europe Greener Europe

Borders do not always limit rivers, mountains, forests or lakes. Borders do not prevent flora and fauna from crossing them. Air, water, land pollution and the use of common resources do not recognize national boundaries. To preserve this treasure for generations to come, Interreg has fostered cooperation in environmental matters.


e-book: Interreg addressing Climate Change: the power of cooperation for a Greener Europe 
We celebrate 30 years of Interreg in 2020 together
Interreg30 fact sheet