Call for experts to help scale-up companies

Tartu Science Park, Business Tampere and Norrköping Science Park are looking for experts in the fields of finance, people/team, strategy and opening new markets. 

The experts will be engaged in carrying out the international development programme for Estonian, Finnish and Swedish scale-up companies, who are developing smart city solutions. The development programme will include 1:1 and group mentoring, thematic workshops, field trips, peer-to-peer learning, etc. 

The 10-month programme will be carried out twice during the period autumn 2023 – spring 2025 for up to 20 growth companies. 

Within this call we are gathering a pool of individual experts or businesses into a pool (about 5 per focus area) that can be utilized during the Scaleup Launchpad programmes. 

More detailed information about procurement can be found here: Scaleup Launchpad Mentor Tender info

Please fill and submit the online form here. 

Deadline: 16 April 2023. 

Contact: Peeter Unt,, +372 51 07 807