Unique incubation program for game and film industry companies was opened

Today, on the afternoon of September 23, Tartu Science Park and Tartu Centre for Creative Industries will present a unique incubation program at the sTARTUp Gaming conference, which will support companies in the gaming and film industries. We are looking for teams with an ambition to develop new products and services across the sectors.

Andrus Kurvits, Member of the Board of Tartu Science Park: “We have been supporting game creators since 2017 because we see great opportunities in this fast-growing sector. In the last two years, the creators of the computer game Death and Taxes and the developers of the Alpa Kids platform have grown out of our program. There will be more exciting news in the near future. ”

Kristiina Reidolv, Head of Tartu Centre for Creative Industries and Tartu Film Foundation: “Innovation takes place today in the merger of the gaming and film industry. On the one hand, video games have become audiovisual masterpieces demanding more skills in storytelling, 3D rendering and composition. On the other hand, the film has become an interactive medium where the viewer can influence progress by making choices. It can be said that these are hybrid projects that incorporate elements from both media. Since the goal of Tartu Centre for Creative Industries is to develop the film industry, we want to bring together both game developers and filmmakers in a joint incubation with Tartu Science Park. ”

The studios selected to participate in the program will be prepared for the Baltic Explorers export accelerator starting in 2021. The incubator offers participants a training program, the opportunity to participate in international events, access to a mentoring network and a key mentor to help set plans and monitor their implementation. The teams selected for the incubator will meet for the first time on a joint development day, and the program will end with participation in the business festival sTARTUp Day, 27-29. January 2021. The top teams will qualify for the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco in the summer of 2021.

We are looking for companies up to 5 years old that have recently released or will launch a new game or interactive film in the near future. The program also welcomes game business support service providers, including programmers, designers, sound and music creators etc.

The incubator and accelerator program is carried out with the support of the Baltic Explorers project. The aim of the project is to support the development of the gaming industry in the Central Baltic region, its implementation is funded by the EU INTERREG Central Baltic Program.

The sTARTUp Gaming conference: https://www.startuptalks.ee

Apply for the incubator here: https://teaduspark.ee/inkubatsioon/gaming-film-incubation/

Additional information:

Incubator project manager in Tartu Science Park: Hanna Liis Remmelg, hanna-liis.remmelg@teaduspark.ee, phone +372 5621 1627

Contact of Tartu Creative Economy Center: Kristiina Reidolv, kristiina@lmk.ee, tel +372 55 25258

Baltic Explorers project manager in Tartu Science Park: Henri Hanson, henri@teaduspark.ee, phone +372 5309 7706

Baltic Explorers project website: https://teaduspark.ee/en/projektid/baltic-explorers-2
Interreg Central Baltic Program website: www.centralbaltic.eu