Teadusest äritegevuseni – Põhjala mõõde

Vaevalt see enam kedagi üllatab, et meie igapäevaelu on teaduse ja tehnoloogiaga tihedalt põimunud. Kuidas selles kiiresti muutuvas maailmas navigeerida? Ning kuidas seda vastutustundlikult ja edukalt juhtida ja arendada? Siin lähevad asjad keerulisemaks. Arutelu eesmärk on rääkida teadmuspõhise majanduse ja ühiskonna pealekasvust ning sellega seotud eelistest, ohtudest ja võimalustest. Kas süva- ja mõjutustehnoloogia on lahendus, […]

From Science to Business – Nordic Dimension

It is barely a surprise to anyone that our everyday lives are intertwined with science and technology. How to navigate in this rapidly changing scene? And furthermore, how to manage and develop it in a responsible and prosperous way? This is where things get messy. The goal of the discussion is to debate about the […]

BSGI projects first output is ready

Baltic Sea Game Incubation – Piloting Network Activities to Foster Game Incubation in the Baltic Sea Region (BSGI) The extension project Baltic Sea Game Incubation builds upon the BGI-project and continues to work on boosting the game industry in the Baltic Sea Region – giving special attention to capacity building. Its main objective is to […]

Governance and implementation of Start-Up Policy in Estonia

IMPROVE project’s Interregional Thematic Workshop (ITW) ‘Governance and Leadership’ and Peer Review (PR) Tartu event, organised by the Tartu Science Park, took place on the 7th and 8th of June 2021. The ITW and PR were initially planned as face-to-face workshops in university town Tartu, Estonia, but were then turned into online meetings due to […]

Eesti ettevõtted saavad alates sügisest nõu tehisintellekti ja robootika rakendamiseks tööstuses

1. oktoobril alustab tegevust tehisintellekti ja robootika teenuskeskus (AI & Robotics Estonia EDIH), mis hakkab pakkuma Eesti tööstusettevõtetele nõu, kuidas rakendada tehisintellekti ja robootikat oma toodete ja teenuste väljatöötamisel. Teenuskeskust toetab Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium ning tegevusi viivad ellu Eesti ülikoolid ja teaduspargid. Ettevõtlus- ja infotehnoloogiaminister Andres Suti sõnul on teenuskeskuse fookus väike- ja keskmise suurusega […]

First-ever Smart Hydrogen Cabinet unveiled in Estonia by energy company Alexela and cleantech start-up PowerUP Energy Technologies

PowerUP Technologies, a European Space Agency business incubation center in Estonia alumni, has made an important step on their journey to provide clean energy to everyone. Together with Estonian energy company Alexela they opened a Smart Hydrogen cabinet in Estonia’s capital city Tallinn. Tallinn, 20th May 2021: Estonian energy company, Alexela and cleantech start-up, PowerUP […]

IMPROVE: Online Peer Review Tartu

IMPROVE project Online Peer Review Tartu Agenda Day 1 June 7, 2021 from 14:00 PM to 16:00 PM EEST. 14:00 – 14:10 Welcome to Tartu 14:10 – 14:40 Smart City Tartu – Raimond Tamm, Tartu City Government, Deputy Mayor 14:40 – 14:50 Q&A 14:50 – 15:20 Tartu city development strategy – Alo Lilles, former Head of Department of Business […]